Daily Download

The process of becoming your true essence is a lot like erosion. Just as natural as Earth’s processes, erosion tears away multiple layers of rock–everything you’ve thought to be written in stone. Everything breaks down and is washed away. As destructive as that can be, you shift your focus not on what is lost, but …

Daily Download

How to tell somebody your boundaries without them getting mad at you: If they’re the right people for you they won’t get mad because they recognize that it’s about you and not them and love you even more for being honest, open, and vulnerable. So it doesn’t matter how. As long as you do. That’s …

Daily Download

Parallel universe hack: there are just as many parallel universes as there are possibilities of you. You automatically surf this web of infinite possibilities. Every choice you make. Every road you take. As you want your life to be the full fruition of your manifested desires, know that there is already a reality where it …

Daily Download

The concept of one view being right and the other wrong is the nature of duality. It’s the mind’s trick to limit what you see based on what fits your programming. Beyond that is a sea of infinite possibilities. Because when you get past your definitions of ‘right’ and ‘wrong,’ you get to the good …

Daily Download

Ever notice how people say one thing and do another? Does it bother you? You’re not alone… But here’s what might change your reaction: People are showing you that they have an incongruence in their core values. That means they are getting negative results with respect to a positive value. And they’re doing the best …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: There is a beauty within all things. This beauty is fully within you. Beauty is expressed everywhere throughout the universe, all of which is illuminated through every single grain of your existence. Every bit of your presence. And this beauty circulates through every cell of your being. It’s in your DNA. Your epigenome. …

Daily Download

The walls you use to frame the reality that you create within are the same walls that limit your frame of reference. They were never meant to stay where they are, dear ones. This is why space expands as we look farther out into the universe. It is for your walls of perception to continually …

Daily Download

People since the dawn of time people have questioned what the meaning of life could be. What if instead of asking what the meaning of life is, you asked, what does life mean for you? Everyone gives something meaning that’s perfect for where they are at the time. Omniversal law. So you’re not only observing …

Daily Download

There are 4 stages of spiritual growth. The first is when the seed is planted. The seed doesn’t know what’s out there. It’s buried and cannot see. Its entire world lies within the boundaries of its own shell. It doesn’t know what it doesn’t know. Then something happens. Inside its shell, life begins growing. Life …

Daily Download

Here’s a little mind hack for you: When you’re against something, then that is what you focus your mind on. And that becomes what the subconscious sets forth to find more of for you. You see, the subconscious mind is like a computer. Everything’s stored as programs. The mind can have positive and negative programs, …

Daily Download

Lotta people testing positive for karma… Good and bad karma. And the only way to go is through. The wheels of karma gonna keep moving whether you try to stop it or not. That’s the beauty of karma. It just pulls you forward. It can do so into a better version of you or a …

Daily Download

Seeing the world through multiple vantage points gives you an advantage–to see through bullshit. Your presence illuminates your world even more with gas-free lighting. And just what does gas-free lighting look like to you? Pretty much the opposite of gaslighting, right? You see, gaslighting relies on repetition to program you. When done effectively, it can …

Daily Download

Two versions of reality have been shown to exist at the same time. This old thought experiment was finally tested–and verified. Just like how in quantum physics, an object can be any variation of itself–any possibility–until the time it is observed. Only then is it what you think it is. What if reality follows this …

Daily Download

You’re not just cosmic stardust… You’re a fucking supernova! Because the whole process went into creating you. The entire evolution of your ancestors as stars. Yes, your ancestors were stars! Each generation built upon the foundation set by those before them and exploded in the most magnificent fashion to spread your atoms throughout the universe. …

Daily Download

Here’s where the climate alarmists got it wrong: We are not destroying the planet. We are simply making it unlivable for us to survive in the long-term. Beneath the problem of climate alarmists and climate deniers, even though we observe them as polar opposites, is one underlying factor: Communication. The one side blasts the ‘others’ …

Daily Download

Sometimes wisdom isn’t silent. Sometimes it’s not keeping your mouth shut to avoid arguments. Wisdom is simply knowing the right time to speak your voice. Because wisdom IS speaking up for what you believe in. Wisdom IS rising up to carry your message of love forward. Anytime there’s an injustice present. An inequality. A person …

Daily Download

For every door that you open for love, know this: That door will never close. That’s just the nature of universal love. You might change over time, as well as others. You may drift apart. But that love will remain. Everybody that came together for love had the intention in the beginning to love, and …

Daily Download

The funny thing about karma is that sometimes you may be presented with a different situation in life with similar karma that you may have experienced in the past–after that karma’s already been transcended. Kinda like your computer asking ‘are you sure?’ before running a new program. People meeting may either be a repeat of …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: A person can only love another as much as they love themselves. And when they do love themselves uninhibited, a person will love another as much as they love themselves. The choice is yours: to limit yourself, limiting your love, or unlimit yourself by loving yourself. Sounds like a no-brainer. Who wants …