Daily Download

Stop allowing other people to harsh your vibe. Whatever is said or done, it’s your perception that gives you your interpretation and understanding and ultimately your reaction–or response–to any situation. Yea you own all that shit! NOT the other person or people. That is and always will be 100% your power! So how’s it feel …

Daily Download

How to dissect a limiting belief… Do you often repeat a phrase or hear someone repeat it enough that you start saying the same thing? Because your subconscious codes it as truth if you keep repeating it. Whether it’s true or not. And it’ll get worse before it gets better. How many just nodded their …

Daily Download

Stop choosing sides and instead, choose compassion. Stop choosing to let people gaslight you into believing one side or the other is right or wrong. Stop allowing others’ misinformation to be coded in your mind as truth. You are the guardian at the gates, after all! And you can discern when emotional manipulation, bias, and …

Daily Download

People always said when you time travel, anything you affect in the past can alter the timeline forever. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. The problem with time travel is that by going back, you can’t change anything. Ever. No matter how hard you try to change things in the past. You’ll always …

Daily Download

Loving yourself is great. Everyone could use even more self-love. But not if it’s to compensate for not having love. You don’t want to keep the frequency of lack with you. So let go of the need to love yourself for lack of love from another. Simply love. Let go of the need to receive …

Daily Download

Repeat these words: I fucking create universes! Because you do. Every turn you make on the road of life leads you to new destinations. Ones that wouldn’t even have existed had you not consciously made that decision and witnessed the events taking place that created the universe where that wasn’t just a possibility, it’s now …

Daily Download

Hold yourself to the same standard of how you want people to treat you. Because that creates two avenues of awesomeness. You hold yourself to a high standard for yourself, treating yourself the way that you want to be treated. And when you do that you naturally and effortlessly focus even more on treating others …

Daily Download

Staying positive doesn’t mean you ignore the negative. It means your light is so fucking bright that you spotlight all the negativity. You shine the light on yourself, illuminating the darkest shadows and loving them as the whole of who you are. You shine the light unto your world, calling out and illuminating all the …

Daily Download

You literally create your own bubble of space-time by how you define reality, and that bubble combines with other like bubbles to co-create your little section of reality. You really are this powerful. Just a subtle shift in perspective is all it takes to start creating something new. Maybe the distraction was to keep you …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: What you see is the distraction. That’s not just your social feed or what you see in the controlled media. Yet still powerful to know that one thing may be presented simply to take your attention away from something else that matters. It presents the social conditioning–the limiting belief that you have …

Daily Download

That which expands your mind feeds your soul. And that which feeds your mind expands your soul. We learn to unlearn. Unraveling the layers of mysteries leads to the unraveling of the layers of truths once upheld. When we learn the deeper nature of things it often overturns old truths once thought to be written …

Daily Download

Looks like all the racists are back at it again… Triggered? Good! A message to the haters. You know who you are. If you’re mad about what’s going on, guess what. That’s a call for more compassion. You see, you had a core value in your subconscious programming triggered negatively. So if you are being …

Daily Download

Don’t say it can’t be done if you’re not even gonna try. That only leads to false limitations you put on yourself. And most of what we have available to us today is a result of someone in the past pushing beyond their own barriers and limiting beliefs to forge new territory, bringing the unknown …

Daily Download

What if the virus was going after only those with hate? Only those who haven’t resolved their internal struggle with anger and projecting their rage and dissent unto others unknowingly? What if it knows when you have hatred in your heart? Would it matter where hate came from, whether it’s your cultural programming, religion, or …

Daily Download

Are were alone? No, there’s over 7 billion humans. And many more animals, plants, and other organisms. But is there life out there? Life is within every cell of your being, yet if you cannot see it you won’t find life anywhere. Happiness is within every grain of your existence, but looking outside of yourself …

Daily Download

Do you choose to see the perfection of something that’s imperfect, or do you see imperfections in what’s already perfect? In this quantum expression of the universe, perfect and imperfect coexist. Everything’s perfect as it is in its state of being imperfect. It’s just how you decide to see things that determines what you see. …

Daily Download

Doing this one thing can create a major shift in your perspective: Stop seeing what you are against and instead see, hear, feel, and embody what you are FOR. That’s how you move FORward. That’s why we say when you change the way you see the world, the world around you changes. Because it does. …

Daily Download

Enlightenment is remembering who you are. And as we go through life, every little thing is a reminder. For us to remember. For everything you wake up to, you remember more of your true essence. You remember that which transcends space, time, and the physical laws. You remember that which transcends your very identity. You …

Daily Download

Sometimes the same things happen again… just to show you that you’ve changed. Sometimes the same story plays out in your mind again, but this time to show you that you’ve transcended it. This time it’s different. Maybe the cycles have been repeating for so long, they just had to show you one last time …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth:Your triggers are your greatest teachers. Why is that? Because it illuminates the values that shape your beliefs that drive your behaviors. Even a negative trigger can become a call to action in the right direction, aligning you with the highest positive intent of your value. And when you see things through a …