Daily Download

Tell someone how you feel. Do it in whatever way makes you feel good. Because how you feel is a window to how you are understood. It’s not only your words. It’s not only your actions. Or even your intentions. Your subconscious leads your communication through your senses. What sense is strongest to you? Seeing? …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You’re not going to be judged. Unless you choose to judge yourself. Then you’ll see others judging you as a perfect reflection of your own self-judgment. Sometimes people need that to wake up. Other times people get addicted to the belief that they need to be judged. So much so that they’re …

Daily Download

You know that feeling when you’re ready to give up? Then everyone tells you not to do it? They’re wrong. They’re stopping your progress. Because in that moment when you really sense that desperation, that’s when your breakthrough is about to happen. Surrender into that moment with trust that your highest learning is being called …

Daily Download

Be like a comet. Be the bringer of life. You see, comets have the building blocks, water, and a way to deliver life to planets. And that’s pretty fucking awesome, just like you. So bring life wherever you go. And don’t apologize for blowing shit up. That’s what comets do, and they’re still unapologetically awesome!  …

Daily Download

When was the last time that you fell in love? Was it the best thing ever? Or were you hurt? What did you see in yourself? What did you learn? You see, there never are any accidents. You simply can’t love the wrong person. Because they were exactly who they needed to be for your …

Daily Download

To live without expectations is to open yourself up to your innermost desires. Yes, without expectations. You see, expectations cloud your vision of reality. When you expect something, you focus on that outcome. Not getting it leads to disappointment. Not having it leads to happiness. Because now you’re perception is wide open to infinite possibilities. …

Daily Download

Everything you say and do is a communication. Your truth speaks louder than words. Truth is in your actions. It is in your words. Your truth is in the underlying intent beneath the words you choose. Your subconscious is secretly expressing itself through you, until it is no longer a secret. And that means you …

Daily Download

To truly love is beautiful. Because to fully love is to love with desire and without expectation. When you know exactly what you want and let go of any expectations of it, you are sending clear signals to the universe that you are ready to fulfill your deepest desires. And when these desires are perfectly …

Daily Download

There is a difference between being selfish and putting yourself first. A huge difference! Put yourself first to do your work. Put yourself first to love yourself. Put yourself first and forgive yourself. Heal yourself and nobody else. Not everyone will understand. They’ll think it’s selfish if your attention isn’t on them. Until they go …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: People are responding to your level of growth from their own level of growth. This means that some will be there to lift you up no matter what. And it means that some will point out your flaws and faults. You benefit from both. Just let that sink in… =D

Daily Download

Superman wasn’t affected by kryptonite and neither are you. It’s what the kryptonite represents: the root cause. For him, it meant he was torn from his world and his family. And since he never dealt with it, the emotion associated was his weakness. So you see, there never really was a kryptonite. It was all …

Daily Download

Rather than focusing on whether others are awake or not, what if you could awaken the part of yourself that sees others unawakened? Yes, it is a reflection of your projection how you see others. And everyone is awake to exactly the right amount they need to be for the process they’re going through now, …

Daily Download

We are reflections of the reality we perceive. And in this school of life, when we graduate we become reflections of our consciousness, from our past, coded to the memories of the present. You can let go of attachments and transcend while still in the living. Death is simply another chance to do so. And …

Daily Download

The universe, and everything we know in it, is just a tiny point. From this point, infinity emanates in the form of time, space, and dimensions. Even the universe we observe is one of many possibilities–nearly infinite parallels. All from one point. This means that infinite possibilities are open right here, right now, for the …

Daily Download

You’re going to spend the rest of your life with one very special person. So wouldn’t you want to make this experience the best possible, most divinely and authentically loving lifetime? And in this light of awareness, I invite you to open up and love yourself–every bit of yourself. You are in this body for …

Daily Download

Enlightenment is our path. It is our evolution. Our journey. It is romantic to fantasize that enlightenment is a destination. Once there, we are perfect. But my dear, you are already perfect in such a way that your journey brings you the realizations that fuel your desires and growth. But let’s get curious about this. …

Daily Download

Love in such a way that allows someone to be exactly who they are. You are this love. And by putting this into action you are creating space for all things to grow and evolve. This is unconditional love. It works on all levels. You can love a quark for whatever color and flavor it …

Daily Download

You know the saying, “if you love someone let them go.” It’s not really capturing the essence. Notice how the vibration rises if you love yourself so much so that you set yourself free and let go of your attachments and expectations. And this allows you to love others in such a way that empowers …

Daily Download

Think talking about growth is being positive? It’s not. It’s being realistic. Everything must grow. You can’t stop from growing. Although you can try. You might be able to stop some parts of your life from growing. But you’d spend more energy not growing than you would by just letting the growth happen naturally. Now …

Daily Download

When you look at someone’s snapshot, you are seeing a moment in time. Just like seeing a color within a rainbow. But each person is a whole spectrum. Everyone has a range of emotions that, when you view beyond the snapshot, is closer to who they truly are. And like a rainbow, there’s colors you …