The Missing Link in Human Evolution has been Decoded

Good evening, Luminous Lovelies! If there was a new way to gather information about our roots, wouldn’t you want to find out right now? Where we come from is a question we’ve been asking for eons. And our answers keep getting more refined. Biblical creation led to alchemical manifestation, then Darwinian evolution. But this is …

Messages from the Divine

To love yourself is to love your journey. And with that, to love every part of it including the pain, the lessons, and those you’ve chosen to distance yourself from. See the challenge? All of those ‘toxic’ people were attracted by you in order for you to gain something. So how did cutting them out …

Daily Download

Ever feel like you need to give anything up to find your life partner? Do that. Give up your expectations. Give up your attachments. Give up your self doubt and any beliefs that you are not enough. Give up any need to feel complete with anyone else. Give up the desire to find peace through …


Breath is the greatest gift, yet it can also be taken away. We are living in a time of changing values, yet some have chosen to hold onto the hate of the past. This isn’t about the current political climate, this is about finding peace from the hatred coming out of it. This is about …

This Might Just Be The Universe’s Best Secret 

We’re all here for a lifetime, and we all fall in love. It can be with yourself and/or others. Maybe many times over. That’s perfectly ok, because you’re perfecting yourself in the process! There’s a very unique way each of us has to view this process. Yet somehow, a common belief will emerge from the …

Daily Download

Einstein said God does not play dice. Hawking says God does play dice. In reality, God IS the dice. S/he is the infinite possibilities playing through at every single brand new moment that appears to us as random chances. Bui nothing’s random. These possibilities are the fibers of existence our lives are built upon. We …

Why You Shouldn’t Seek Your Twin Flame

As we sat on the edges of our seats listening to the guidance of an angel, she divulged the truth of the twin flame relationship to our group of beautiful souls. As Gerry Gavin channeled his angel Margaret, she directly answered the question asked about finding your twin flame.The answer is not what you’d think an …

Be Your Own Spiritual CEO

Imagine you’re running a huge company, with tons of people working for you. You’re the CEO. And every top manager reports directly to you with specific details in every area of your business. You’re completely covered. So how do you manage all of the incoming data they report to you? You look at the vital statistics. …

Come to the Dark Side

You manifest your life. All of the love and abundance you are fulfilled by right here and now is a direct result of your manifestation and co-creation of your reality in concert with the beautiful souls you are with. But that doesn’t mean shit don’t happen. It does! So why then, if you are such …

Words Create Worlds 

You get to see the world around you like nobody else can. Your creative prowess is so powerful that you can literally shape  your reality with the words you choose to describe it. You get to be in it. To live it. To go full out and make this the best fucking universe possible! It’s …

The Real Life

A beautiful soul asked her friends, what is reality? Everyone’s answer was different. That’s because reality is custom-tailored to the experience you’re creating. Your reality is every bit as unique as you are. So color this world with your beautiful presence! It is our diversity that makes life beautiful. And it is our curiosity that …


It all started in a dream unlike any other. Someone or something was contacting me, and it wasn’t human. The message this being was giving me was “We are coming.” I knew exactly why he had found me. Every night I asked for the answers of the secrets the universe held. I would imagine a …

What Would You Ask an Angel?

Imagine ascending in consciousness up to the realm of angels, standing with them and tapping into their infinite knowledge. What would you say to them? How do you think they’d respond? This is a very real possibility. You can learn how to tap into higher consciousness to connect with your guides. That means at any …

Create as You Speak

I am not the person I used to be. Don’t get me wrong–I love who I was, the lessons I’ve been through, and what I’ve overcome. In the past, I had become emotionally shut down. I let my pain strengthen me, and it was pushing people away. My life was turned upside down when my …

5 Aspects of the Self

What would you do with the ultimate power within, knowing that you’re capable of accomplishing anything, as you manifest even more love and abundance? The key is loving yourself. Loving every bit of who you are. That means in the physical and beyond. And to love the self is to know the self–all aspects of …

I, Infinity

There is a key to unlocking your infinite potential. And just what does that mean? It means you clear all of your roadblocks on your own path to success–not the success other people want you to have, and not the success you think you deserve.This is your path and your unlimited potential showing you the …

The Universe is Rigged in Your Favor

Spoiler alert: Everything’s working out exactly as you need. That’s because you attract a certain energy that manifests your lesson plan. Your consciousness exists in many levels, and on the highest level there’s nothing but love! So all your lessons down here are coming from this level. Yes, I’m talking about everything. Because I’ve seen …

The Secret Sauce

When you realize the secrets of the universe have everything to do with the life you’re living and what you’re attracting—love, blessings, money—then you continually thirst for more. What you thirst for is the juicy flow of all that is. This is the realm of peace, love, and knowledge. And yes, it is all available …

What Happens When We Die? 

It’s an age-old question: Is there life after death? The answer may surprise you. A team of scientists recently explored the phenomena of near death experiences, published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition. And they found that people do experience unusual memory events near death.  People with near death experiences reported having their “life review.” In …