Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: When you hOLD onto something, you’re embracing old patterns. Old behaviors. Old limiting beliefs. That’s how shit gets stuck. And it sends messages to your body telling it to store more stuff. Embracing a new healthier you invites you to clean out your subconscious to make room for upgrades. So wouldn’t you …

Daily Download

Believe in possibilities rather than limitations. Then the world will be yours. That is how you break free, casting away others’ limiting beliefs of what you are capable of. And when you transcend your own inner critic, recognizing it simply as a reflection of the limiting beliefs that didn’t even belong to you in the …

7 Top Reasons People Seek Angels

Angels are all around you. You might know it, unless you don’t. Explaining their existence might take a while, but they’re really like your thoughts—the nonphysical component of you. You have identity engrained in your thoughts and even self-awareness. You are a conscious being. The biggest difference is that you have a body. And your …

How to Transcend Empathy

Are you empathic? Do you feel people’s vibes? Have you ever walked into a room and just felt a heavy feeling? What if you could turn that around so as you enter, you become the person that lifts the vibration with ease and grace? Wouldn’t you benefit right away from having tools that can do …

Exclusive Invitation to Talk to an Angel with Hay House Author Gerry Gavin

​WHAT WOULD YOU ASK AN ANGEL IF YOU HAD THE CHANCE? Often when speaking on the Hay House radio program, or when discussing the new book, If You Could Talk to an Angel, Gerry inquires what people would ask if they had the chance to sit down in their living rooms and talk to an …

What is a Soul for? 

I saw a picture today from almost two years ago when my path changed. I attended a retreat to improve communication skills thinking it was training for speaking about my recently published book, Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse. I got much more than that! So much so that my life was completely redirected. And …

The Spark of Life

The spark of life is still one of the greatest mysteries of science. The building blocks are all there, forming from a primordial goo on an early Earth. We’ve figured out how cellular life started, but the mystery of the first spark of life still remains.  One-celled organisms may have started in a hot soup …

The Science of Angel Messages

Science is based on observation. So wouldn’t it benefit you by being able to expand your own ability to perceive, observe, and tap into the essence of who you are? There’s definitely a science to doing just that… Perception is a funny thing.  Nobody’s perception is the same. You can be observing the same thing, …

The Art of Becoming

There is a secret to enlightenment. A mathematical formula that can be hacked. “I am that I am” is an equation. The words “I am” are held to be the most profound words when it comes to manifesting your desires or simply being your highest self—once you let them go. Everyone thinks they must hold …

Be Like Water

What if you could honor the natural flow of energy in this universe right now simply by embodying the very water of life within you? You already know that the human body is composed of mostly water. And you know that whatever there is water in the universe, there are the building blocks for life. …

The Ultimate Loophole

What if there is a loophole right here and now, so powerful that it is like stumbling into an infinite existence of pure love? All the love you need and all the love you can give? Loopholes aren’t just for tax evaders. They exist everywhere! They are portals to infinite possibilities. And if you’re like …

Mind Power Hacks

The mind-body connection is powerful. Open up your mind to connect to your heart. Expand your mind and allow love to flow. That’s pure energy. The very essence of the universe. The essence of every grain of your existence. Expanding the mind allows us to share the same space—the same energy—just as we breathe the …

FREE Swag Giveaway

Just in time for the holiday season! Act now and receive the gift of knowledge. The book that revolutionizes our modern view of the universe and how its ascension mirrors your own process is being given away to the next 1,000 subscribers  Here’s what people are saying about Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse: “”I …

Spiritual Glitter

What if you had magic fairy dust that could change everything in your life and around you? Glitter that sparkles with life as you simply blow it into the air, spreading, peace, love, and joy. Wouldn’t you just sprinkle that shit everywhere? Well you can. And you’ll be guided through a process to do just that… …

How to Channel

When your mind is ready, the answers come to you. That’s why you’re here right now. First the mind gives you the idea, and then science backs it. When electromagnetism was discovered, it revolutionized science. All kinds of field theories followed EM. It even lead to quantum physics. And now you know that you live …