Taste Your Soul

There is space inside you just as there is space around you. Everything in its natural state is empty. It gets filled with life and love. And all the shit you hold onto. But as you go deep within, you can effortlessly clean all that shit out. Effortlessly. Just imagine your cells hollow and empty, …

What Happens When You Align These 3 Powerful Archetypes?

Success happens. End of blog. jk 😉 Looks like we’ll do this from the bottom up—a very powerful way of living actually. This means you can allow energy from the root to enter your chakras (as opposed to a head-strong top-down approach). So ground yourself for this powerful lesson! Because you are going to see …

Daily Download

So you’re spiritual? You talk the talk, yes. And what do you intend to find within yourself? Inner peace? Well you gotta walk the walk. It ain’t about a bunch of positivity. It’s not about speaking of divine love. It sure as shit ain’t about appearance. This is different this time. We’re all being tested. …

Daily Download

Be your own president. You’re the one in charge of yourself after all. Others may blame external circumstances, but when you go within, you see that you already have everything you need. You have values and beliefs custom tailored to your experience. And they’re exactly as unique as you! So wouldn’t you be the one …

Daily Download

I want to be hurt. I want to be heartbroken. Why would I say such things? Because I am vulnerable, for one. In the past, I’ve pushed away from hurt. I’ve run away from pain. I’ve even healed myself around the heartbreak. But I didn’t face it, and that became evident by seeing how others …

Food for the Soul

You can redirect your energy. Even when it seems the world is against you or you’re against all odds. Being against anything is a great way to not get anything done. It’s like pushing on a door that says pull. And that’s how the universe works! You enter through a door to create your own …

Daily Download

Heal the waters that flow within. In you is a river of everlasting abundance of life force pulsing in and through you. Its not just the water you’re composed of–it’s the very substance of the universe channelling through every cell of your being. And when you heal your own rivers, you honor the natural flow …

4 Keys to Unlock Your Unlimited Potential

There’s a sure-fire way to be in even more harmonious alignment with the universe. And when you are in this alignment, all things happening are synchronicities. You become better aligned with Gaia, the nature consciousness. You become more compassionate with the living beings on this planet. You attract like qualities in the people around you. …

The Science of the Impossible

From what conditioning have you been pretending to have thought that modern scientific advances are made by accident? What truths have you then been hiding from yourself about the process of discovery? How did you put forth the illusion that you were not an active part of this human awakening? Now you’re ready for what’s …

Daily Download

Follow your desires. For this is the real you talking. Live like life is on purpose. Because it is! Guide those as you encounter each other on your journeys. You’re in this together. You’re in this experience for good! And that is why your presence in this world is of pure grace. When you and …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: If you have ever wanted someone to be happy so much so that you were willing to give up your own happiness, then you have a belief that someone has to be hurt for someone else to be happy. How else has this come up? Are you afraid of hurting others? Do …

Why Science NEEDS ‘Psuedoscience’

Let’s be straight with each other. Science ain’t an exact science. Fact is, science needs cutting edge, thought-provoking people to shake things up, rather than procedure-following drones. Everyone wants to shape scientists into the mold. Conform. Do as we say. And when you don’t fit in, you get blasphemized and blacklisted. That’s why the term …

Secrets of the Universe Unveiled

View GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Facebook View @GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Twitter View dbertolacci’s profile on Instagram View davidbertolacci’s profile on LinkedIn View +davidbertolacci’s profile on Google+ I’m really good at not keeping secrets. 😉 This secret is the answer to an age-old question. What is the meaning of life? In the midst of cracking the universal …