The Way Through The Maze

I invite you to go on a journey, challenging the limits of your perception. What if we were simply mice in a maze? Imagine all of your intelligence being fully accessible as you view the world from a mouse’s perspective. Look out through a mouse’s eyes. Smell like a mouse does. Hear and feel your …

Bonus Advance Daily Download

The human condition is an evolution of mind, body, and soul. We are just scratching the surface of what we are capable of. Once you begin to awaken, you will undergo many levels of awareness being uncovered as you experience even more dimensions of consciousness. And living in the highest potential of consciousness simply means …

Daily Download

The center of your being is in every grain of your existence. Every one of the tiniest components that make you YOU. When you look in any direction within, beyond the microcellular level into quantum realm, you will find the very core of your being everywhere! Behind every vibrating frequency of energy is a portal. …

Daily Download

If you have looked into the vastness of this universe with the infinite possibilities of all that is and concluded that you are insignificant, what were you pretending not to know to have believed this limitation you’ve placed on yourself? You see, everything builds upon itself. That many possibilities were needed for you to experience …

The Science of Intuition

What if we had a special type of radar built in, allowing us to predict outcomes for even more successful scientific research? What if we already knew the answers and we’re somehow guided to them simply by being open to the process? Look at the great scientists that society idolizes. They all have something in …

The Science of Heart

The heart is a wonderful thing. It’s more than just the life-circulating organ centered in our very being, and even more than the powerful energetic fields it generates. The heart transcends time itself as it pumps blood filled with iron forged by the stars billions upon billions of years ago. The heart even transcends space …


It’s true. All of it. Chakras. The source. Angels. Archangels. Ascended masters walking the earth and multidimensional shape shifters (aka light beings). We are taken care of. I invite you to create a space of gratitude for these gifts. I am truly thankful for what I witnessed. And I realized how every single life lesson …

You Are a Star

As stars live and die, the very building blocks of life are created. But you are more than the cosmic stardust in this process. So much more! You see, everything you’ve ever been told about the afterlife is true. Heaven is real. This is it! This is Heaven on Earth, and you are the afterlife of …

The Key to Enlightenment

Perched atop a high peak in a remote part of the world and isolated from society, a wise master meditated as he quietly sat with the most beautiful view of the valley below. The calm breeze gently went by as he sat undisturbed by his surroundings. He would go out of body to travel the …


Have you ever wondered what it would be like if we could see, not with or eyes, but with our hearts and minds into the souls of one another? How different would everything be? Would we treat each other better? Yes! This is all possible right here and right now by embracing this technique. View …

How to Meditate

Whenever I talk about meditation to someone, the first question is how to meditate. It’s like there’s certain steps involved. Maybe instructions were written on the box we came in, or there’s a little pamphlet that outlines how to do it step by step. Part of the process is overcoming the social conditioning we have …

How to Science

Like a boss. That is all. Actually, this is a lighter side of the look of the darker side of perception. Yea we all have perception. The trick is that each of us has perceptive abilities completely unique to us. You see things differently than I do. That’s just human nature. And being unique allows …

The Head and the Heart

Do you ever find yourself in a space where you feel like your emotions are playing tug-of-war inside of you? What’s really going on in there? Would you be interested, right here and now, if there was an easy way to become fully aligned, so much more so than before, allowing even more intuitive ability? …

Introduce Yourself

The human body has over 300 trillion cells, each imprinted with the same identity. They all live as one community. You also have other organisms vital to the life of the whole in a symbiotic relationship. The body channels life throughout the whole. As the heart pumps blood, a magnetic field is generated. And as …

Lessons From the End of Earth

When you look around, you may see a lot of doom and gloom from our scientific community and media. Everybody loves to scare you with tales of how life will end. Fear controls and manipulates people, so naturally it makes for good exposure. That’s why there’s still so much coverage about the “asteroid that killed …

Being Omnipresent

What if you could experience expanded ways of seeing yourself, allowing understanding, love, and healing powers so much more so that your environment changes fire the better even more? Would you be open to being guided through a process that effortlessly expands your perceptual position? And are you wholly free of any objection? Great! The …

The Meaning of Life

Life is simple. When you let it be. Love is simple. When we allow it. I’ve been chasing dreams all of my life, loving every lesson good and bad. And i can say this with a heart full of love. It’s not about being great. It was never about doing things for all the other …