Always Be Your Best

In the midst of my breath, focusing on the space in-between and getting ready to dance to some awesome beats, I found a nice little breakthrough moment so powerful that i just had to share. These are just simply awesome. And sharing means that i can help others going through things like me. I think …

Omniversal Enlightenment

What if you just realized here in this moment that everything you need to know is right at your fingertips, and you no longer needed to seek how to do anything or take any number of steps to get where you already are?  Maybe it’s time right now to cast the shackles of limiting beliefs …

Enter the Naked Singularity

Imagine if you can see beyond the boundaries of a singularity, past the event horizon, into a region that transcends even Einstein’s relativity. New theoretical work has done just that, proposing a naked singularity without its shell. And peering into this strange reality shows us that everything we think is real breaks down on another …

Three Keys of Transformation

Life is about discovery. And what happens when you realize that there’s more to discover not only in your surroundings, but within yourself? This is your true power. The question then becomes how do you empower yourself in such a way to embark upon this journey within to discover even more of the infinite wonders of who …

The Science of Beliefs

“Be careful what you say, because you speak it into existence.” People have told me this, but what does it really mean? In general, it shines a light on how we view things from a positive or a negative mindset. We can affect how we see things, yes. But what are the underlying reasons? Do people …

Think You Know Yourself? The Answer Will Astound You…

Our world is going through a revolution right now with global communications reaching more and more people worldwide. We are finding all kinds of new and ancient information about humanity. You probably have noticed a spiritual uprising around you, even within yourself. You are being bombarded by all kinds of philosophies and thoughts on the …

Invisible to the Eye and All Over the Sky

There’s a lot we can’t see. As with the discovery of Planet 9, we haven’t seen it yet. But astronomers know it is there because of the effects it has on its surroundings. Today another discovery was announced. They’ve actually been observing these for 30 years and just started to use a new technique. And …

Planet 9 from Outer Space

First the Earth was described as round. Then it was thought to be flat. But evidence overturned that. Number of deaths from falling off the edge of the Earth since = zero. Around that time, it was also thought that all celestial objects revolved around the Earth. The known universe was basically our solar system. …

Unleash the Goddess Within

This is for you. The wild woman. The feminist. The hippie. The business woman. The entrepreneur. The strong empowered woman. You are on the right path. Everything you have ever been through to get you to where you are right here and now has happened completely on purpose. That purpose is discovery. There’s more to …

A Friendly Universe?

Inside a small shop, a man worked hard his whole life crafting the tiniest things. It was his passion. Not only did he create something beautiful, even functional, but he did it again and again. Each creation was completely unique. His was a true craft-a labor of love. He spent endless hours at his small …