New Beginning

  How was our universe created? When was the beginning? What happens in the end? Using our knowledge base of modern science and ancient wisdom, we can answer these questions and more. And that’s why I’m here. I remembered these answers from within the depths of my consciousness, and I can bring this to the …

Complete Overhaul

What would you do if you were the universe, and all of a sudden you just decided that it’s time to change? To transform. To metamorphose into a new kind of life. Knowing that this ability is completely ingrained in every single bit of your consciousness on all levels, would you fully embrace the nature …


It all started in the ground, just beneath the surface. Roots firmly placed in the rich soil began to uptake only the nutrients just right for its growth. All of the conditions were perfect. Soon, it emerged into the light to prosper and grow, firmly attached to its roots as they continually fed its nutrient-rich …

Ancient Secrets Backed by Science

Our perception is influenced by our own cognitive process according to new research. In other words, our perception shapes our reality. What is reality really then? It is the field of infinite possibilities. All possible variations of space and time existing all at once. However, our brain cannot understand that much information at once, so …

The Power Within

Superman could do anything. He had strength to lift cars, stop trains, super speed that could reverse time, and even x-ray vision. When we are attuned to our intuition, we are unstoppable with our own superpowers. But there was a little something from when Superman was a baby—a piece of his home world. Kryptonite made …

Being Authentically You: from Heartbreak to Heart-Centered

Have you ever noticed how you repeat patterns, even with different people throughout life? Do you wonder if there is a way to break away from the cycle and be totally free? There’s a little secret to how our consciousness works by locking in behavior patterns. As we go through life, this becomes code that …

How Are You Showing Up?

Welcome to your new worldview, beautiful awakened truthseekers. Waking up to new levels of reality is happening to you right now, as you graciously accept new knowledge straight from the source – the universe itself, projected into every single force and matter particle that makes you. This universal thoughtstream presents itself to you as a …

The Little Box of Secrets

Last night’s Living as Love unveiled how we release and let go of expectations, freeing ourselves of the perceptual bars we entrap ourselves within. We simply observe. By observing, we become an active part in the creation of our Big Bang. We see how the universe is the projector in a movie theater with our lives …

Living as Love

Life has no expectations of you. You simply live and in doing so, become a conduit of universal love and knowledge. So why do we place expectations on life? What is the highest intent? To experience love? What if there is another way to experience this love with less frustration? There is! Simply release and …


I remember now. I am not my body, nor my soul. I am a timeless, eternal consciousness manifesting itself as a universe with the building blocks of life in order to create self-aware conscious beings. Why? simply, to remember who I am. This is who we are. If you are reading this right now, it …

Rise to Love

When was the last time you fell in love? What if, instead of falling in love, we experience something more powerful and profound, empowering even more of our souls’ transgression together? I invite you to carefully read the following to completely integrate this wisdom into every cell of your being as you fully embody what …

Throttle Up

Your thoughts create your reality. What you speak into existence is what you manifest. And with one simple trick, we can push this ability into overdrive! Create space. That’s it! There is absolute pure beauty in the simplicity! Create space, and your dreams will follow. Imagine yourself navigating through the freeways of thought… What does …

It’s All Good!

What if the good and the bad were merely tags we used to add meaning to events in the past? Can you envision these experiences from the higher perspective of simple truths instead? Consider that rather than good and bad, we have the kinds of truths with a soft gentle welcoming feel and truths that …

Your Inner Genius

Here’s something that I know you already know, so if you are pretending not to know, this will serve to help you remember. It’s something fully integrated in every cell of your being – a knowing so powerful that every party of you instantly remembers as soon as you allow it: You are a genius! …