
Here’s some omniversal reasoning on why to give thanks.  Gratitude is an energy of giving back to the universe.  Biological life is a form of the physical manifestation of the universe created to perceive the surroundings and become aware of itself.  Sounds like a mouthful, doesn’t it?  What it means is this: you are the …

Intelligent Divine

This post isn’t about what you think it is – it’s about you!  You are the universe.  Every part of you, from the smallest quark to the largest galaxy cluster, consists of a series of decisions in order to exist.  The quark may have the simple life – starting from a virtual particle, it decides …

The Revelation

I am challenging myself to change the scientific landscape forever.  I am presenting the world with such profound knowledge that we will most likely need to rewrite textbooks about the universe and the Big Bang Theory.  But will we? In a conference with other new thought scientists, the question came up about the education system …

The Center of the Universe

Here’s an age-old dilemma – one that originates back in the dark ages.  Are we in the center of the universe?  It was once thought that Earth was the center of the universe and the solar system – the Sun, the moon, and the stars were believed to revolve around Earth.  Nicholas Copernicus was the …

What is Life?

Have you ever wondered what had to happen in order for biological life to exist on our planet?  If it is possible here, is it possible elsewhere in the universe?  I bet you have wondered what the purpose of life is!  As I have found, we are one and the same with the universe – …


We create our universe, surroundings, and possibilities with our perception.  Our world around us manifests from our own creation.  We find ourselves in the present – a crossroads between the past and future.  But the universe we create doesn’t need to be held to the same timeline.  Instead, all possibilities exist in a quantum system.  …

Sneak Peek

Sneak Peek

Here’s a teaser cover for the book! Tell me what you think…

Please follow and go to for more updates and book news. Everything we know about the universe is about to change. =D

The Higgs Mechanism and the Omniverse Model

It was a discovery waiting 50 years to happen.  But on July 4, 2012, physicists announced that they had conclusively detected the effects of the “Goddamn particle” at the LHC.  Officially named after Dr. Peter Higgs, the elusive particle was finally found.  I have to admit, before the announcement, I didn’t know its significance, or …

year one is coming

9/27/2013 The publishing of Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse begins today.  The book release is expected by this holiday season.  Hard cover, soft cover and ebooks will all be available at major retailers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  Celebrate  the initiation of year one this 12/21 with infinite knowledge of our universe.  Stay …

Natural Intelligence

Today’s blog is about evolution.  But this covers more than biological evolution.  We will be delving into the psyche of the cosmic consciousness to determine if there is an intelligent decision-making process governing the creation of the universe, and contrast it to our modern viewpoints. The three most common descriptions of how we came to …

Validation for the Omniverse

I have some pretty big ideas about how the universe came to be.  I often wonder if anyone else thinks like me.  As it turns out, there are many!  I am very thankful to all of my followers on,, andTwitter.  If you haven’t yet, please follow for updates.  But this week’s news brings …

What They Don’t Want You to Know about ‘Global Warming’

Sometimes I blog about the infintely-hot Big Bang or the universe’s predicted demise, ‘The Big Freeze.’  Sometimes I wonder of the regional warming of our planet, which affects global average temperatures, is just balancing out some other forces.  Actually, it is – and we are the additional input in this equation.  Our roots have been …

Book News!

“A Professor would typically take over nine months just to edit a paper for a scientific publication.” – my editor Although the Omniverse project started in my mind nearly 20 years ago, it wasn’t until 2010 that I started writing about it in a scientific format.  I wrote an abstract and introduction, then did background …

What is the Omniverse?

What is the Omniverse?  It’s what our universe comes from. New web updates: Follow the Omniverse blog, Omniverse on fb (, and Twitter @GrandSlamTheory.   Please like and share! =D  

Where Did Life Come From?

Humans have been trying to explain how life started as long as we can go back in history.  It has been the greatest debate of all time – where dd we come from?  Evolutionary theory has stood the test of time, backed by fossil evidence worldwide and DNA evidence that confirms it.  Even as successful …

What is Consciousness?

New research in neuroscience is helping us understand one of our greatest mysteries: the brain.  Understanding the physical brain helps us to understand consciousness.  But what is consciousness?  Is it a consequence of the thoughts produced by the brain?  What constitutes a thought?  Who or what is capable of thought?  Does thought dictate our very …