What is Maya?

Maya is known as ‘the illusion.’ The original transliteration of Maya means that which can be measured. Aka the physical realm. Science is based on that which is measurable, observable, and repeatable. So by it’s very definition, science gives us tools with which to quantify that which is basically the illusion. So why then do …

How to Live Beyond Limits

There is life beyond life. It’s all in the science of things. Simply because everything follows the principles of quantum physics. Yes, everything! Life exists on multiple levels of consciousness. Most people are unaware that their subconscious, where all their beliefs and values are stored like computer code, drives 95% of their behaviors and actions. …


Where do you store your beliefs? Is it all in your head? Probably not. Unless you’re unaware. And you’re here now, so awareness ain’t your problem! The Human OS isn’t just designed by you to store everything in one place. There are many levels of consciousness, and on every single possible level you are interacting …


Just like the computer systems we design, the Human OS needs proper maintenance. Maybe that’s why our systems need to be rebooted from time to time. Because like our devices, we do too. When properly maintained, the Human OS can be such a valuable tool. Or when it’s not maintained, it can drag you down. …

Human OS X

You are more than your body. More than your mind. And so much more than a soul with which they belong. Every cell of your being is made possible through universal programming code. We’re living in a simulation that’s so very real. Because you make it so. This simulation is as real as it gets! …

Human OS Part 9: Sync Mode

You already know that you’re connected. You’re connected through all levels of superconsciousness to the programming code of the universe. From the cloud, you can download exactly what you need for your next step of evolution. And there’s more! Just like every computer, you (the universe) have your own internal clock mechanism. Your body’s internal …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: What you think “reality” is, is completely based upon your self-imposed limitations. You limit the reality you observe to the subconscious belief structure of your own mind. No one else’s. Because in reality, reality is not limited. It’s not polarized with good and bad. There’s no judgment. Everything just is. You are …

Hacking the Human OS

To really love yourself is to really know yourself. Sometimes you gotta dig down to all the nitty-gritty and sort through all the pieces, and you uncover the underlying code that drives your actions, words, and behaviors. And when you uncover the code behind you, you discover the code of the universe. As above, so …

The Human OS (Part 5: The GUI Center)

The simulation is real! And the Human Operating System performs just like the computers and artificial intelligence we design and create. As above, so below. The mind-blowing facts in this series aren’t being presented just to say that our programming is real–their purpose is to give us the tools to take our programming to the …

The Human OS (Part 4: The Cloud)

This is the ultimate guide to hacking the ‘simulation’ we know as reality. It’s as real as it gets. Everything in the universe, including every bit of your presence, is expressed through code. The universe is programmable, customizable, and upgradable. Your universe is that. And you are programmable, customizable, and upgradable. You’re a microcosm of …

The Human OS (Part 3: The Lightbody)

There’s more to the mind than what we’ve been taught. A lot more. In the exploration of the subconscious mind programming, we’ve revealed how programs stored in the memory affect the neuroplasticity of the brain, and how that creates a virtual graphical user interface to transform and heal stored programs in ways that can rewire …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Men can become more in touch and balanced within the head, heart, and gut energy centers without being “feminized.” It’s not about being less masculine. It’s not about being changed by women–to think so is to put yourself in effect rather than at cause. You’ll never empower yourself when you’re in effect. …

Daily Download

Don’t just imagine peace… create peace! Tap into your own deeper wisdom–your inner truth. That is where peace is. Look forward from this place and see all people, places, and situations with so much more compassion than ever before. Let your inner peace be your beacon of white light guiding you through the mental fog, …

The Human OS (Part 2-DNA)

Within the human psyche, you have your own DNA map. Like your body’s DNA, it is a blueprint. Instead of using this blueprint physically, the mind’s DNA is your blueprint for attraction. Your DNA stands for desires, needs, and attachments. You’re invited right now to forget everything you know about these three. View them from …

The Human OS

The way neuroscientists study how information is stored in the brain is very similar to how data is stored in magnetic platters of a hard disc. The bits of data are there, arranged in specific patterns. That’s our machine language. And how we perceive that data is completely different than how it’s stored. Operating systems …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Every single grain of your existence comes from the same source. Every bit of your presence from all-knowingness through each connection within the whole. Whether you call it source, quantum entanglement, or spirit, you are connected to it all. The goal of this is to create a physical environment where life thrives. And …

Knowing This One Thing Can Change Your Life–For Good

Science tells us that the Big Bang is the beginning of the universe, right? The Big Bang is not really the beginning of the universe though. The universe is a singularity. Always has been, always will be. It is still there before the beginning, just in a different state. The Big Bang is the beginning …

Daily Download

Nothing in life is external, even when it appears that way. Everything–yes, everything–is an opportunity to transcend a specific karmic lesson. It could be big or small. It could be “good” or “bad.” It just depends on how you choose to perceive it. The karma is simply the lesson embedded within your consciousness. The purpose …