Daily Download

You’ve been told that you are the sperm that won the race, right? We take that to heart, knowing that we can emerge victorious in any situation in life. So why stop there? This is only the beginning! Your quest for knowledge can stop at this belief or become more powerful with even more truth. …

The Void

There ain’t no air in space, but there’s an air and space museum. Sometimes all you need is a different perspective. You might think things are tangible, but they’re mostly space. You and I are mostly space. The space in you is the same as the space in me. It’s what connects us. It’s what …

Why We Manifest

You’ve probably already heard more than a mouthful about how to manifest and what other people think you should be manifesting to make your life better (according to their terms). And the truth is, yes, you can manifest abundance of money, clients, and resources for your business. You can manifest love, soul mates, and twin …

The Guide to Crossing Over

We never really lose anyone—they simply transition into another state of being. We share this common state of being before, during, and after our lives. Because we exist in the living and spiritual dimensions, we have ties to our loved ones, soul mates, soul family, and twin flames. Sometimes, our spiritual ties may become attachments …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: You might think the present moment is still or motionless, but it’s not. Think of the word current. It means now, yes? The current news reports what’s happening in the now. Current also describes the flow of a body of water. Think of a river’s current flowing through as you stand with …

Daily Download

Where can I love myself even more each and every brand new moment as I usher in the reality of my dreams? Think about this for a moment… I never ever would have known how much hard work goes into loving myself. This goes far deeper than mirror work. Blunt Force Truth: You can tell …

The Science of Deja Vu

Think Facebook algorithms are pretty crazy? Your brain uses algorithms too. It uses predictive coding to perceive outcomes before they even happen. It’s an evolutionary trait that helped humans survive. And it’s a trait the brain uses to understand language by predicting what words follow the one you just heard or read. Your mind is …

The Shadow Effect

Remember the stories told by the round-earthers? You know, those who thought the world was only 3 dimensions? Remember how they made fun of and picked on flat-earthers for only seeing 2 dimensions yet tried to fit their map of reality into just 3D? Yes, they held onto their beliefs just as strongly as the …

The Soul of the Universe

Life’s kinda funny. We learn so much about being ourselves, yet not about who we really are. Don’t get me wrong, it’s important to be yourself and do what you do best, finding your talents and desires along this beautiful journey. It sure as hell beats being everyone else! But the reality is, it’s not …

Daily Download

You don’t always need a reason to cry. You’re just moving energy. So do it! You don’t have to apologize for crying. You don’t need permission. You don’t have to reason it, and others don’t even need to understand why. It just is. There’s no need to validate it. Even if others around you aren’t …

The Living Infinite

Imagine just being yourself while seeing yourself. How easy is it to imagine seeing yourself through different viewpoints? Through different eyes? At different times of your life? What if I told you there’s infinite dimensions with which to see yourself? Your identity is one. Your awareness. Your consciousness. Your physical presence. This is the surface …

The Miracle Mindset

You can rewire your brain by seeing miracles every day. And the bonus is you get to see miracles every day! It’s really just a matter of fine-tuning your perception. When you experience more miracles happening, you’re aligning yourself with even more possibilities from unlimited opportunities. That makes you attract like a powerful magnet! Because …

No Boundary

Life has no boundary. You are capable of anything you can envision. Your perception has no boundary. Everything is fully upgradable. Knowledge has no boundary. Every single brand new moment you expand your field of view, bringing in even more of the universe’s infinite possibilities. You learn as the universe learns. You grow as the …

The Paradox Explained

The universe is full of windows into the unknown. We call them back holes. They form the centers of our galaxies. And dark matter is intermixed amongst the stars, even forming halos around entire galaxies. Science is facing challenges to explain these. Neither is observable–only their effects on their surroundings. Every lesson we learn through …

Thank You for Being You

You are whole and complete, yet you are also part of something so much bigger. And in its entirety, the universe is projected through every single bit of your presence. It’s all energy manifesting into the physical. The underlying energy that is the basis of all attraction in the universe. Everything attracts because separation is …

Moments of Time

Einstein showed that space-time was actually four dimensions (3 space and 1 time). And now another physical dimension has been discovered. Time is now the fifth dimension. Feel the shift? Our collective perception is growing. Expanding. Just like space is. The universe is continually expanding, creating space for growth. And yes, space can be created …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: When people make fun of flat-earthers and still only see the world in 3 dimensions. It’s all in how you program your subconscious. Your mind automatically filters infinite data from a multiverse of possibilities. Whatever you believe, your mind will find the information that best fits. So nobody’s wrong, you see. We’re …

The Lightbody

I don’t always know just where the channeled messages are from. But some things always draw you closer to source. And it’ll surprise you how it happens when you’re just doing whatever you do on an ordinary day. Yardwork in my case. Just trimming the palm tree. I want you to meet some friends I’ve …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Your greatest strength can also be your greatest weakness. True strength lies not in your strength, but in your vulnerability, because that drives you to adapt. Being vulnerable doesn’t mean you’re afraid. It means you are ready to fall and get back up again. You are willing to fail and learn the …

Daily Download

My life in relationships was summarized to me today by Pandora in-between the songs: “Waiting for connection.” Believe it or not, that’s where life happens–in the space between the notes. Who you are in relationships doesn’t define you. Who you are when you’re yourself shows the world who you are. So take time for self-care, …