The Meaning of Life Decoded

What if everything was present and all of the conditions were absolutely perfect for life to form naturally? It’s been the Holy Grail of science. And it’s real. The process by which life starts–that initial spark of life–has been found finally. And it was here all along. What other great wonders are ready for discovery …

Awakening Lilith

Adam and Eve weren’t the first people. The biblical story started with Adam and Lilith. She was wild and free, and he couldn’t handle her. So Eve was created to be subservient to men based on men’s misunderstanding of empowered women, aka warrior goddesses. Instead of empowering themselves by unconditionally loving women, men have been …

The Science of the Law of Attraction

Ever read these profoundities about how you can change yourself to change what you attract? Does it sound too good to be true? Well this might just be illuminating your limiting beliefs. And through deductive reasoning, your subconscious mind looks for information to support your limiting belief, contextualizing your self-fulfilling reality. In other words, you …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: The universe needs your presence. Without you it would have no meaning. Without life it would have no purpose. And the reason the universe supports life is just a natural process. A process designed by you, because you create your reality based on your perception. You crystallize your reality with your observation. The …

Alien Takeover

It’s not aliens taking over that people should fear. AI is taking over. Artificial intelligence is born right here on Earth. And we’re the aliens. The universe has reasons… Biological life got started a lot longer ago than once thought. Over 4 billion years ago. Most of it was nearly eliminated early on during the …

The Neutron Dance

One of the Blessings of the Omniverse, actually the first one, is the knowledge handed down to us for generations that we come from the stars. Those before us, telling ancient legends spanning different continents, knew this somehow. And science proves this. We do come from the stars. We come from the Earth. This is …

Why Do We See 3 Dimensions?

There’s infinite possibilities of dimensions. Yet we see pretty much three of em. Why is that? It turns out that there’s a little trick the universe has in store to make it more hospitable to life. Dimensions allow space to be created for your growth and evolution. That’s the special secret that’s not so secret …


When you turn on your laptop, tv, or cell phone, they all have something in common that illuminates your world. It’s the pixels. Each pixel can be red, green, or blue, and the combination with all of the other pixels on the screen is what makes your image become clear. The universe works in the …

Daily Download

Don’t let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace. But then again, do you really want your subconscious mind thinking of destroying your inner peace? Because that’s exactly what it will attract by focusing on the perception of that, deleting, distorting, and generalizing data from infinite possibilities to match that perception. And subconscious doesn’t …

Downloaded Message about Recent Shootings

When tragedy strikes, be present to those in need. When you bring up the gun control argument–from either side–you’re taking attention away from the lost souls that died. When you bring race or privilege to the argument, you’re taking away from the victims. If you’re propagating conspiracy theories, you’re devaluing the truth. When you label …


You created your timeline and contextualized your reality from a perceptual position of the soul. Science can’t explain it yet, but we’re catching up. All we have to do is remember. All of the answers are known on some level on your timeline and even your karma (that’s also like time–it’s simply a forward-moving transmutation …

If Only You Could See From The Other Side

It ain’t easy to unplug from the matrix. Unless it is. Fact is, we’ve given you guidance in many forms. Saints and scholars, ascended masters, angels and archangels. Countless enlightened beings. The infinite nature of the universe brings every single possibility of life to you every single brand new moment. The problem is that people …

Daily Download

Let go of clutter in life–not because of the space occupied, but for the attachments you’ve grown to them. There’s memories. There’s meaning. All of which you gave something. In this light of awareness, does getting rid of anything serve you? Everything presents itself to you for your learning. You can get rid of stuff …

The Master Key

What if I told you that we’ve all locked ourselves away from one another, only letting ourselves out using certain costumes to show up for different people and places? It’s the mask. It’s the veil of illusion we ourselves use to color what we want reality to be. It’s not a conscious decision. And it …

5 Keys to Expanding Your Perceptual Awareness

(Warning: vulnerable content) The other night I saw a shooting star. It was unlike any I’d ever seen. It certainly did not fit my expectations or how I would have liked the experience to be though. It appeared from far away, only to disappear in a split second. Out of all its travels, that’s all …

The Answers Are Within

You can look up to the stars, our ancient ancestors, and see their magnificent beauty shining throughout the entire known universe. You are their afterlife. A microcosm of life on a stellar scale. And even stars are but a smaller version of the bubbles that make our universe. Because once, a very long time ago, …

The Truth about Climate Change

The truth is, climate change is very poorly understood. There’s plenty of evidence that points to human activity affecting it. Isotopes never lie. And the age of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere started getting a lot older at the beginning of our industrial age. Precisely as old as fossil fuels. The problem is that we …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: People participating in disseminating their “theories” of conspiracies or destruction are showing you something very important. Bias. It’s present in all of us and causes us to take in information that we want to hear. And fear. There’s a lot we can’t control and that can result in fear. Relax, it’s a …

Daily Download

Emotions, like water, constantly flow to carve a beautiful landscape. When something comes up, imagine just letting it flow. Because holding onto it would cause its energy to build up like a dam. Yet for many, holding on is what they do. They let the emotions build up, only to come out in unpredictable ways. …