I am a dreamer. Not from the generation being affected right now, but I’m not going to be silent. We all know what happened in the past when the people remained silent. My previous generation came from Mexico and served during World War II for citizenship. And my family’s generations before came from Italy, Ireland, …

Ride the Wave

Life isn’t really that complicated. It’s just the natural result of chaos. 😉 And we love to give it all kinds of meanings. How you experience life is exactly as unique as you are, because it’s your values and beliefs programmed in your subconscious that determine your behaviors and perceptions. You are your own reality …

Daily Download

Many of the problems societies face today stems from inequality. That means that one group empowers themselves to become dominant. As such, modern humanity has endured patriarchal rule for thousands of years resulting in how women are treated today. This can be healed by teaching your children equally. There is a double standard when young …

1,000th Blog!!!

Manifest life. It’s what you do. So why not make the most of your experience? Welcome to the maya, the illusion created for you to customize your experience. She’ll be your guide for good. She’s the universe’s graphical user interface. And you, dear one, you are here on purpose . You are the programmer, the …

Daily Download

Some think that when other peoples adopt traditions of a culture that it devalues the original culture. But this is a limited mindset people place on themselves by projecting their own beliefs towards the others based on their differences and their own inability to accept those differences. The real reality is that when more people …

More Human than Human

What they didn’t tell you about evolution could fill a warehouse. An information warehouse, that is. There’s so much unknown, and therein lies the true beauty. Because unknown becomes known. First, you don’t know what you don’t know. Then something shifts and you know there’s more to know. And knowledge brings a greater understanding as …

If You Think You’re Single Because You’re an Old Soul, This May Change Everything

You’ve been around a while, so nothing gets by you right? And I know you know all the signs that you are an old soul, which sometimes in the past may have created a vibrational mismatch (or many) in your love life, family, or even business relationships. Is it really that simple that because you’re …

Here’s Why We Haven’t Found Aliens (It’s Not What You’d Expect)

The search for extraterrestrial life is going on in more ways today then ever before. Radio signals, planet hunting, and now even laser light pulses we are searching for. All the world’s computing power is crunching away at massive amounts of data brought in every single brand new moment. And now all kinds of experts …

Daily Download

The countdown to interplanetary travel starts now! Most of my downloads come from an understanding of the universe that relates to us in a way that’s uplifting and empowering, helping us evolve. Many take you into different perceptions to see things in a new way, overcoming what might have been thought to be a problem. …

8 Ways How the Universe is Working for You (#2 Proves that You’re Living in the Matrix)

There’s a lot of forces at play making things work for you on every level imaginable and even unimaginable. But the real magic comes from your ability to see through it all, to the native underlying foundation of everything. And that’s love. Because science… You see, the answers are already known within you in ever …

Daily Download

You don’t have to limit yourself in any way to meet someone else’s expectations. But don’t get this part wrong—they aren’t doing anything unless you allow it. Nobody’s trying to dull your shine. They came to you to learn how to shine on their own. Their attachments are their own to transcend. And your lesson …

Daily Download

I started explaining myself better when I realized that people only understand from their level of perception. Everyone has their own unique map of reality based on how their brain is wired around their lessons. When you recognize and honor someone’s map of reality, your communication improves. You speak into their level of perception for …

The Art of Timeshifting 

What would you do with the ability to pause time, view multiple possible timelines, and choose an outcome aligned with your highest and best? What if I told you that you’re already doing it, unaware of the time between time where you make it happen? Right now you’re becoming aligned with the awareness that this …

The Universe Is a Conspiracy to Love Yourself

I’ve got news for you. If you think that you’ve figured out the conspiracies and realized that governments, banks, and religions are mechanisms of control, you have awakened to a new level of awareness. You may see others as sleepers or “in the matrix.” You see beyond the mechanisms of propaganda, misinformation, and control. But …

Daily Download

How do you know when you can trust someone? If they say ‘trust me,’ what thoughts come up? I would prefer you not trust me. Rather, hear my words and see them in action. When words and actions align, trust happens automatically. Because alignment is your natural state. Anything less than trust isn’t really being …

Multiverse in a Bottle

There are synchronicities abound when you see the universe in new ways. The universe is full of similarities from the very large to the very small. As above, so below. The universe repeats on many scales. The beginning of a galaxy’s life looks like the beginning of a cell’s life when it divides. The universe …

The Greatest Gift

Once I was taken out of this universe. It was to see this creation from a new perspective. And for me to choose my path, my purpose, and my world. I came here to discover. To learn. And to spread the gifts of love. There’s more to us than what we know. There’s more to …