Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Being strong ain’t always about being strong. Being strong is having the strength to be vulnerable and open up to your feelings. Being strong is allowing emotions to flow. And being strong is definitely not about reacting. It’s finding the strength to act with love for the highest and best good of …

The Reset Button

A lotta people are gonna get mad when they find out that the “karma” they wished upon someone can easily be stopped in its tracks. So tell me then, if you believe karma is some kind of punishment or street justice, who’s hurting who? No, karma is an energy that attracts. A pattern that repeats …

Daily Download

I love Goal-Diggers. I love Boss Babes. I love Mompreneurs. I love strong women that encourage and empower others. I love everyone that’s ever been told they’re “too much,” “too sensitive,” or “too” anything. YOU have overcome so many challenges in the past and emerged anew, creating a whole new reality around your own badassery, …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Waiting for something or someone may only delay your lessons. They’re your lessons, so you’re gonna get them at the exact time that’s perfect for you. And know that you may not need to wait for something to happen if you desire to act upon your feelings. Simply honor your feelings. So you …

Awakening the Beast 

The powers are awakening within. We grow stronger each day. The senses are opening up to perceive in ways completely unfathomable in the past.  I was once a victim of my own mind. I uncovered the secrets to decode the programming of the internal dialog. I found the secrets of the universe to guide others …

Bubbles of Infinity

If you’ve ever had random thoughts floating around inside your head, even melding together, you already know how the universe works! But you might have been taught different. You see, you are a completely unique channel of divine love, and those thoughts are from this eternal consciousness, filtered by your own perception! The ones you …

How to Create Heaven on Earth

“Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the suns that construct the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high mass stars that exploded their chemically rich guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. So that we are all connected to …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: When you’re with someone, it seems inevitable that they will trigger something in you. It can be anything that elicits a reaction from you. Thank them. Yes, thank them! Because what they’re doing is exactly what you need to realize this is your trigger! So you see, it’s never really about what …

Daily Download

You came from the essence of love into physical form. So there’s no need to rush to come back to your light body. You are here to enjoy the physical sensations. To love and enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. Be true to the desires you feel and fear them not. For they are truly …

Beyond the Point of No Return

Ever since the idea of black holes was first introduced, we’ve been trying to understand the nature of the singularity. Time and space dimensions don’t exist anymore once inside. Everything is literally stretched to infinity once an object reaches the event horizon. It’s the point of no return. And you, dear ones, are the perfect …

You Choose How You See the World

Imagine a world full of energies, all serving the greater good of the evolution of life. All kinds of energies just flying around everywhere. Envision being surrounded by energy that provides the environment your cells respond to, helping you evolve into your highest self. Guess what? That’s reality! You choose to see the world exactly …

Do the Impossible

The bumblebees do something impossible every single day. They fly. Even though science couldn’t explain it, they did it anyway. Yet it was physically impossible. You know what the trick is? They didn’t study law. So gravity didn’t apply. And there’s a very important lesson for you. Because your barriers–everything you think that’s impossible–are all …

Don’t Call It Positivity

As I stare up at the night sky, seeing the orange haze behind distant rows of palms lit up from beneath and the mountains barely visible through the thick night air, I think that there must be something greater in store. I know something’s happening and I’m being tested. What I want to know is, …

From Vibe to Vision

There’s a secret the universe is unveiling to you every single brand new moment: The results you’ve gotten in your life up until now are exactly what you’ve manifested for your evolution. That means everything. All the times you’ve been dragged through the mud. All the toxic relationships. And also all the love you’ve received. …

Daily Download

To all the crazies who have ousted themselves from ‘normality,’ who consciously create their reality with light and love, who know that they cannot be controlled by old ways of thinking: I salute you! You’re here on a mission, yes, but the way I see it, we are all adding color to the beautiful picture …