Daily Download

I’m not buying all this stuff people are saying about your chakras being blocked.

No, your chakras are going to send energy exactly where it’s best for you at the time.

They’re just energy centers–hubs for moving data. Some of the best damn ones available in the universe! Ain’t nothing wrong with em, only your way of thinking might be.

Cause if you think your chakras are blocked, your subconscious mind is going to receive the message, ‘block.’

What’s really going on?

The funny thing about energy is, it can flow completely uninhibited in many ways throughout the universe. It even flows in ways to create vibrations and shapes that attract to build the very framework of life! Look at a subatomic particle like a proton. It’s energy spinning in such a way that it gives itself a physical form and a positive charge.

You are energy giving yourself a physical form.

And you can give yourself positivity too!

The energy can never be blocked because it goes where it needs to be. Always. Energy transforms. Energy transmutes. Energy keeps changing as it keeps flowing.

So if you think a chakra is blocked, just imagine what all that energy is doing in there. It’s not blocked, it’s flowing in that energy center to exactly where it needs to flow to bring up something for processing and creating something from that.

Your intention makes it create something good. Do that.

And notice how you can always remember that if anything in life feels stuck, just let the energy move. Let it transmute. And let yourself transform.

You’re energy. Ain’t none of it blocked!!!

Your energy does for you exactly what it needs to for your growth.

Your evolution.

Your transgression.

Now create something!

Btw the next version of you is about to be realized.
