Daily Download

Ever wonder why I post scientific articles alongside my emotional journey and all the downloads? Here’s the answer…

The science of understanding the universe is there same as the science if understanding the mind. Both the universe and the mind are expressions of love.

Divine love.

Universal love.

Self love.

These coexist as aspects of one love.

To understand the universe is to gain a better understanding of self.

As you dig deeper within your own psyche, you find programming. Likewise, as we are able to see further into the universe and the quantum realm, we find that everything is expressed, in its most basic form, as bits of information.

The universe is programmable.

The mind is programmable.

Synchronicities happen when you are aligned and in flow.

As it should be.

I started studying the universe many years ago.

Now, to understand how the universe works, I’m studying myself. My programming. And my ability to hack the mind of the universe for higher alignment and even more flow.

Let the synchronicities happen!

Because that’s the universal mind as one in full connection with the human, angelic, and alien minds.






One Comment

  1. Wonderful thoughts! All so true.