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If there’s one thing I could wish upon every single beautiful soul in this world, it is happiness. Simply that.

Happiness is an inside job. We’re all born into this world as happy babies, and as we grow throughout life, we find ways to block it. We find “reasons” to experience lower vibrations. You install limitations within your psyche’s programming to match with limiting decisions and limiting beliefs of your own past.

Underneath it all, happiness is still present.

Because it’s your default state.

What if you could see beyond your limitations and emotions tied to significant events throughout life, and just see yourself being happy and playful again?

You can.

The only thing stopping you is you.

And even if events in your life have been so extraordinary, causing depression or grief, know this: It doesn’t have to steal your happiness.

You can be depressed about something and still be happy. You can be grieving someone and still experience happiness.

Grief isn’t coded as the opposite of happiness–it’s actually a form of giving love.

You’re just giving love to someone who’s not there anymore, whether through breakups or transcendence of the body. And there’s no time limit to anyone’s grieving process. It takes as much time as you need, and sometimes time itself becomes irrelevant.

You can be in this process and still be happy, even if only for what you do have. A simple shift in the mindset can open you up to seeing even more of the beauty and preciousness of life. You can return to your default state of being happy.

Now it’s good to know this, isn’t it?
