I believe in miracles and magical shit. And so I create miracles and magical shit!
That’s just how the universe works…
What you focus on is what you see in the reality you custom tailor for your own experience. Those that are unaware get sucked into a vortex of negativity, even feeding off of others’ negativity and feeding others’ negativity. That’s just what they think reality is, because they are creating it that way, even if they don’t know they’re doing it.
Once you become aware, you instantly flip that light switch to ON.
Because you can focus on the positive.
The constructive.
The empowering!!!!
And your subconscious mind’s programming code is attuned to the frequencies of energy–infinite possibilities of energy–surrounding you right now in this field that is everywhere in the universe!
Your subconscious sends out a signal to your environment, “this is the frequency I am emanating!” And the subconscious goes out into time and space to find even more of what matches your vibe. So much so, that when it brings in other information, it deletes, distorts, and generalizes to fit the parameters YOU set!
Your subconscious mind is really an app running within the universal consciousness programming code. And you get to choose the settings you want.
Miracles. Check.
Magical shit. Check.
Infinite awesomeness. Aww yea that’s a check.