Be a giver. There’s nothing wrong with that!

And when two givers come together, magic happens. Because it’s a sign that you’ve transcended old karma that no longer serves you. It’s been let go! You no longer need to attract assholish narcissists, manipulators, or control freaks.

Hell no, that shit’s gone!

In that place you’ve left space for miracles to happen.

And that’s exactly what the universe delivers.

You see, those people were only present to reflect something back to you–that once you open up to receive gifts of love and abundance from within, you get that back from your surroundings. So instead of attracting assholes, you find kindred spirits. Soul mates. Twin flames.

You find other givers who would do anything for you!

You find other givers who are also open to receiving the gifts you give.

You find other givers who want nothing else than to give you their gifts.

And that opens you both to entire new universes brimming with infinite love and abundance!

So you see, it’s ok. You are perfect the way you are!

And you are open to receiving the next level of you! I am too.
