Universal Irony Division: If no one is you and that is your superpower, yet YOU are you, does that not mean you are no one?

Does that not also give you the additional superpower of being selfless?

And the enlightenment that comes with transcending the identity of the individual body you pilot through this existence?

You are you yet you are so much more!

Transcending everything about you that you think you are unfolds all new universes of possibilities of what you are becoming.

Because the formula for enlightenment, ‘I am that I am,’ is simply ‘that’ when the ‘I am’ cancels out the ‘I am’ on the other side of the equation!

And THAT is the potential that is just brimming everywhere within you!

So what happens when you stop identifying as merely human and begin to step out into new universes through your soul?

You build bridges.

You become even more connected and even more aware of your fucking infinite potential!

And as it turns out, this channel–your soul–is completely unique to you, giving you the chance to see the reality you create in only the ways best for you to perceive!

So you get to choose how you see this existence. That’s also your superpower!

Now it’s good to know this, isn’t it?
