Think there are only two options to any given choice? Are things just black and white? One or the other?
Well consider this: Look at what black and white actually are. White light is the combination of the full spectrum of visible colors. Black is the absence of this spectrum of colors. So you can’t define either black or white without considering an entire spectrum of beautiful fucking colors!
That means that every time you restrict your consciousness to narrow something down to a given number of choices, you’re automatically cutting out an entire spectrum of other possibilities.
Think about what you might have missed in decisions and choices from the past. There was a lot more going on then than you allowed yourself to believe, wasn’t there? And maybe that’s why you didn’t perceive the other possibilities at the time, simply because you weren’t aware of it yet.
Ok shake that off!
Now go forward knowing that you have an entire world of possibilities opening up to you every time you think beyond just black and white. You see more choices. You find higher choices and decisions. You find more within yourself that you can act upon with your higher choices, like love and compassion. Do that. Be the full spectrum of possibilities!
Because restricting yourself and your perception is only self-serving until you decide it’s not.