Lucky are those who love.

That doesn’t just mean those who are in love–it means those who have the capacity to love.

To love unconditionally.

To love their lessons.

To love themselves wholly and completely, allowing even greater love to spring forth from their pure potential energy and sharing that with the world regardless of circumstances.

I could be very bitter. And I used to be because I was living in the past. I was carrying every bit of hurt, heartbreak, and fear of abandonment from my past (which in reality doesn’t even exist). I saw others and thought they were lucky and I wasn’t.

But I was lucky! Because I found within myself a love far greater than anyone or anything could ever bring.

So even if it doesn’t always feel like it when you’re down, know this. If you still feel love even in pain, you are one of the lucky ones. Because not everyone has the strength and courage to face this love within themselves. Not everyone has this capacity to love so deeply. Not everyone can let go of their past, which is why they’re unloving, bitter, or holding themselves back in any way. That’s why they need your love, even if they hurt you. Especially if they hurt you! They need love, and because you have that capacity to give, you are one of the lucky ones.

Thank you, it is done. It is done. It is done.
