Time travel is possible. The mind can take you there. Because the mind is nonphysical. The brain and body however, must apply physical agreements made with the laws of physics since the beginning of your perception of time.
The mind is what takes your perception of time to create the timeline you observe.
That way your cells can grow with you 🙂
And even if it seems like different concepts, the mind’s ability to time travel and its ability to piece together your perception of the timeline are connected.
It is your perception of the timeline that makes it possible, because you are equipped with higher senses that allow you to pause time, rewind, and fast forward. It’d be a lot harder to do that without a timeline, right?
So even with infinite possibilities of time available all the time, your mind reads your surroundings to respond through this agreement you have to see linear time.
Simply because the physical world is evolving continually.
Time is entropy, a one-way ride to chaos. It’s what creates life as we know it, as well as consciousness.
You just need to see the timeline to make physical existence real.
To activate the programming code.To run this app we call existence.
Time makes growth, evolution, and expansion possible. But going back in time physically can’t do that. You only need your mind to go back or ahead.
And that’s what makes you evolve even more as you heal that inner child of yours.