If you’ve ever been hurt in a relationship, and I’m sure at some time we all have, then know this. It was only when your expectations were not meet that the hurt occurred. The pain you felt was from the breaking of your attachments. And none of that means it’s your fault. Just your responsibility to pick yourself back up and respond to the situation, not react to the other person.

Now imagine this:

If you ever felt that you have loved too much or that your love wasn’t received, acknowledged, or even understood, what if you could give yourself the love that you gave?

If you ever felt unloved, unheard, or emotionally abused in any way, what if you could, right now, give yourself the love that you are deserving to receive?

What if you could also give yourself forgiveness for maybe not giving yourself the fullest expression of self-love in the past, as evident in the results you got?

Imagination makes it real through visualization.

What if you could give yourself some gratitude right now for the abundance of self-love you’re giving yourself?

Now, carry it forward with you everywhere you go for every encounter with every beautiful soul! Help guide your lover to do the same for themselves.

Give your lover the perfect reflection of your self-love, forgiveness, and gratitude for the absolute highest expression of love together. Release your expectations and attachments together. Be free together.

Be your highest expression of self together.

Because that’s how you transcend lovemaking as a physical experience and begin making love to each other’s soul.
