Cold is the absence of heat. Darkness is the absence of light. And sleep is just the absence of being awake. There are many levels of waking you’ll experience in the living.
You already know when you dream that you’re asleep. Sleep means it happens automatically and you don’t have to be in control always. But you can control dreams. You can be awake in them.
You can also view your autonomic system the same way. Breathing is done automatically and you can control the breath with intention. When it’s automatic, it’s like being asleep. You don’t have to think about it. But being aware of the breath is a waking state. Your heartbeat is a sleep state. You don’t have to control it. And unlike breath, you can’t hold your heartbeat. That wouldn’t end well.
You can affect your heart rate with your breathing though. And there are other levels of living that are perfectly ok to not be awake to. You don’t have to know how your subconscious drives your behaviors and actions. Or your superconscious archetypes for your mind. Although it sure as shit helps to be awake to this.
And then there’s the deep level programming using the laws of physics to make your physical framework possible. And your quantum states that allow you to program your reality. You can be awake to these on some level, just not to the point where you take over control. It’s automatic. You can be asleep to how that works and it still works.
It’s completely up to you.
Just know that you don’t have to be completely awake on every single level of living. Even though there are many levels of waking.
There are no limits to how deep you can go.
And it doesn’t really make any difference of you’re awake on many of these levels, because they just work. So you get to sit back, relax, and let the universe do its thing!