Challenge = accepted
Blunt Force Truth: Nearly every challenge you find in the living is based on acceptance on a soul level of a lesson plan. It’s not destiny, it’s karma.
When each lesson presents itself to you, it shows up as a challenge. Sometimes people have the same challenges over and over (but in different ways). Because they aren’t in alignment and as a result, aren’t transcending that specific karma. The challenge repeats and amplifies because your subconscious wants to get your attention. It wants you to get that lesson.
So how you get the lesson changes. Until you transcend that karma.
And it’s all because before you were even born, you agreed to that lesson.
Now when you apply quantum time, you see that this level of agreement is being made in real time and then applied to your timeline.
That means that your programming is available to you to access for the specific purpose of transcending karma through loving action. Read that again.
Because when love is the intention, you’re automatically transcending that karma through the actions you take.
You have the power to program the reality that best fits the lessons you agree to. And transcend that shit!
Yes, you are that powerful!