Blunt Force Truth: The veil of bullshit has been lifted. A chain reaction of conscious awareness is upon this world.
What started simply through global communications has sprung into a greater mass awareness of the systems of control. And more and more gifted children are growing up in this state of awareness.
Media has lost its power to manipulate and control many, and will continue to do so for those brave enough to break the bondage of their brainwashing. Government cover-ups have become so fucking obvious, who do they really think they’re fooling?
The time is upon this world to rise for the freedom of all its citizens and stand up for what’s right. That’s why they’re called human RIGHTS!
Everything that isn’t honoring human rights never really was something right, wasn’t it?
Greed and corruption are more obvious, as with elected officials that represent their bribers and not the people. Yea, we see that shit. All of it is coming to the surface.
And in the end, the people will be free.