What is real is defined entirely by what you believe to be real. And that means that what one believes reality is can be completely different from your reality.

Your mind responds to energy.

How you respond is what determines what you perceive, and what you perceive is then translated into the images you create for the world around you.

And underneath that, your beliefs are what determines what energy you pick up, how you respond, and how you see it. Your beliefs are the programming code that interacts with energy.

All energy exists as a quantum field.

Every possibility exists at any point in time, all the time.

That is the nature of reality (but not reality itself).

Reality is created by you, for you. It’s an inside job. So next time someone tells you what reality is, just know that they’re only speaking to what they believe reality to be and are incapable of seeing beyond their own frame of reference. They just don’t know what they don’t know.

But when you do know that you don’t know, you become open. And that’s all you need to start expanding your mind. Do that. Expand your reality.
