Maybe you wouldn’t be so hard on yourself if you could see that you’re processing several lifetimes of karma now. Sometimes it just takes a different viewpoint to look at yourself.
Remember, you can always change your viewpoint to see yourself in new empowering ways. Yes, always. Imagine floating above and looking down into the physical dimensions. Just like looking at your shadow! This allows you to get the higher perspective and transcend dimensional limitations of older ways of thinking. This is the viewpoint of your higher self.
And you will see that on a soul level, you agreed to come here to process what you are processing now. You’ll see how everything you got through was to clear you of old energy that no longer serves your higher purpose.
Now you can attract more of what’s best for you…
So it’s ok to be humble. It’s ok to have a gentle heart. It’s ok to be a giver. You’re just clearing out the junk so more like you will enter your life.
Doesn’t it just feel good knowing this now?
It’s ok to be vulnerable where you are. That’s your window to seeing from your higher self. And you are always, yes always, safe and protected, dear ones.