I think we all agree by now that violence never solved anything constructive and never will. Yet when you look around, it seems others are trying to manipulate you with anger.

People say you should be outraged by this or that. People go to protest that which they’re against. They use the rage within them to fuel the fires of disdain.

And they think they’re making a difference, but they’re not.

They’re fighting against what they’re against, the whole time keeping that in the forefront of their attention, attracting even more and reacting even more.

But all of that anger only does one thing.

Anger attacks yourself.

Leading with anger is using violence against your own mind.

Against your own body.

Against your highest and best self.

So, knowing that anger only served as violence toward yourself, wouldn’t you rather explore wholesome, empowering ways to make change in this world for good, being ever-increasingly consciously aware?

Be for the good.

Be for your highest and best good.

Thank you, it is done. It is done. It is done.
