Universal Irony Division: You are not a product of your environment; your environment is a product of YOU!

Because you control whether you are reacting or responding to the energy around you and within you. You decide whether to project your unresolved issues or to emanate from a place of self-love and healing. You choose whether to see everything as a reflection of something in you or to see it as something external and blame it for your circumstances.

You’re either in control of yourself or not.

And your environment will be the perfect testimony of that.

It’s up to you how to see the world around you. It’s up to you how to see what’s in you. And that is what attracts your lessons in this world.

That’s your karma.

So make it something good!

Because if you choose not to then you are choosing to color your environment in a much different way.

When you stop blaming “external” circumstances you’ll start to see it.

And seeing the world differently is how you actually make it better.

That’s why it’s called actualizing.
