Divine will is your right.

Because you are an aspect of divine consciousness. A channel for consciousness to flow in, as, and through you. A face on a multifaceted transdimensional diamond.

And that gives you the ability to see through multiple perceptual positions. Supreme perceptual positions.

See through the eyes of divine will.

You’ll see that everything is perfect just the way it is. You’ll trust that in this state of perfection, everything–even the tiniest subatomic components–attracts exactly what it needs for its next stage of evolution. You accept things as they are knowing that they attract exactly what’s best for them.

As you work your way up the chain of entropy, you’ll see the same is true of complex life. Just like how a proton attracts an electron, a human attracts lessons and love.

You may wonder if you can interfere with someone’s lessons when you feel their pain, but your divine consciousness already knows that’s what’s perfect for them.

Perfect for their growth.

Perfect for their evolution.

You’re not sitting by doing nothing, you’re the light that’s guiding them. You know that they can get through it for their highest and best good. And you give compassion throughout their process.

That is divine will.

You got this.
