You’re living in a dream. Here’s why:
When the brain receives sensory input, even when it’s not enough to formulate a complete picture, it fills in the gaps. This is one of the prime directives of the subconscious mind. It automatically fills in gaps when there’s missing information. That’s why sometimes you see something, thinking it’s something specific, only to find out as you get closer that it’s not that at all.
This is also how you piece together your reality.
Everything you see, hear, and feel is constructed in your brain before it’s understood by the mind.
Everything is energy. Energy that manifests in certain ways to appear solid. Energy vibrates within itself creating a shell, and that makes it a particle. As particles attract to form matter, it’s really just a process of energy attracting energy. Nothing actually touches because it’s really just energy interacting.
But we see things as solid, liquid, and gas. We feel things that fit the category of what we see. And everything you touch never actually even touches because it’s just the energy in you interacting with the energy of what you ‘touch.’
There are gaps in-between everything. There’s space between everything. Your brain is taking in sensory input from the energy, while your mind is filling in the gaps.
So yes, what you see is basically a hallucination or dream, because you see things from the perspective of your own mind as it fills in the gaps based on how you believe things to be.
In other words, you see what you believe.
Because science.