Daily Download

Love will keep you on course. No matter what going on outside of you, know this; It is an invitation for you to focus within. To love yourself further.

So love yourself as you free yourself of the social programming and constructs in your environment. Those things are not you and they are not yours!

Heal yourself as you heal the planet. For you are connected. So much so, every single element within you comes from and returns to Earth. So you’re gonna be one with her one way or the other! Might as well surrender into this oneness.

And you might as well accept that being in a love-based environment gives you the highest and best tools to heal. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s really not. Unless you change how you see things and see that it’s an inside job–a conspiracy to love yourself further.

What you’ll find when you let love guide you is that fear is naturally and automatically transmuted. And you are healthy and enjoy life regardless of where you are or what going on around you. Do that.
