I cried when I remembered what we were like before the virus. I remember seeing lots of people everywhere… everyone on a mission to do something… but completely out of sync with those around them. Completely unaware. Completely disconnected.
I remember walking through crowded places, seeing faces, wanting to connect. But instead I saw fear. Anger. Sadness. People were so stuck in themselves they didn’t even see what’s around them. I was invisible to most, but not the ones who were aware. They’re the ones who smiled back (even if they weren’t yet aware, a smile is all it takes to break that pattern–yes, smiles are contagious too).
People everywhere were doing social distancing before it was a thing–just mentally rather than physically. Spiritually rather than in body. That was BV (before the virus).
Now AV, I see it when people cross paths, just more pronounced. People fear closeness. Although there’s still the ones just as happy so say hi to me as I AM to them.
Even in the midst of perceived distance, there is still something we all share that brings us all together.
Breath brings us together.
Our breath connects us both physically and spiritually.
We all breathe the same air.
And that gives us the opportunity to dive deeper into this connection–by breathing together. That’s what gets us back in sync together. Breathing.
And it increases our connection allowing psychic communication. Imagine that! Being able to channel our love collectively for even greater healing for this whole world!
That’s exactly what we can do.
So much so, we can even have our own social media and internet based entirely in consciousness! Who wants to be friends on BreathWork and Instaheal?
We can all connect through our breath.