Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Duality is a mind-fuck. If at any time you believe that you or someone else has to pick a “side,” you’re falling into this trap.

From a universal perspective, duality only exists within the illusion (the projection from source). What may seem like positive and negative energies are simply different spins of the same energy. Very literally.

Human perception often defines reality from these observed opposites. Until one sees past it. But for those who can’t see past the illusion of duality, they will project it in their definition of reality. They will make it seem like you have to pick a “side.”

They are wrong.

Because they’ve only blinded themselves from seeing past the two “sides” created in the mind. And that can be a collective illusion you’ve agreed to take on as your own.

Just be aware that those trying to force you into “sides” are using a manipulation technique to limit your perception to the same as theirs. Ultimately, it’s up to you what you allow.

So don’t feel bad about not following their perceived choices. Because you get to make your own choices, from as wide a perception as you allow yourself.

The key is recognizing when you are limiting your own choices and decisions, and allowing yourself to perceive what else is available. And I assure you that when you do this, you’ll find much more available.

Because the universe brings forth infinite possibilities. Perception is what limits that, only as much as you allow.
