When you look up into higher physical dimensions, it’s just as much a shift in the dimensions as it is a shift in perception. You can go into your shadow to see yourself in higher dimensions, which creates that shift in perception.
And to see things in a 4th physical dimension, it shifts the other three. In other words, there’s another representation of the first three dimensions. A copy of itself projected into higher dimensions.
And the same for the 5th physical dimension.
The 5th shifts the 4 physical dimensions. So now all 4 physical dimensions are represented, shifting into the 5th dimension as a projection of 4 with the projection of 3 in it.
This process is exponential and infinite.
Just like you.
This is how your consciousness blossoms.
Each new representation of a higher order in your state of consciousness is represented by the petals of the lotus flower, infinitely expanding as you open up.
This universe is here for you.
Let me show you the ways you can use this to create life. To create a better now.