What you feed grows, and what you starve dies. This is often used to describe the duality of consciousness, light and dark.
I will add that what you perceive to be separate won’t add to the whole. Until you accept all your parts you’re going to be operating from within the illusion of incompleteness.
Because anything you starve will try to feed off you.
It will try to survive. It will try to pull you down with it. In a very large sense, we are seeing that in our societies’ systems of profit and control in the light of recent events as well as ongoing systematic feeding off of the people. Old systems are dying and trying to pull us down with them. Because they’re trying to survive.
What if there was a better way?
Can we accept the good and the bad and look further to see the highest intent of each as they merge into the whole?
Once you transcend duality within your own mind, you are whole and complete.
So to transcend duality as a species, we simply must merge our highest intents. And that’s not just to survive, but to thrive.
So help one another. Love one another. Instead of feeding off each other, accept every beautiful soul as your own. Simply, we all belong to each other. Kinda changes things, doesn’t it?