Omniversal Law: Something good will come of this.
That goes for everything. Yes everything. Even if you believe nothing good will come of something and nothing does, doesn’t that make nothing something? And isn’t that good to validate your belief?
Now flip that switch in your beliefs to allow even more possibilities…
That’s all you have to do to allow yourself to see in any given situation that something good will come of it. Because there’s always a higher lesson embedded in the patterns. And there’s always a highest intent to any given action. Even bad ones. Yes, always!
So rather than look to the intention of people’s mistakes, look up instead toward the highest intent.
That changes your reactions into positive responses. And that changes how you see things. It changes your perceptual positions of how you’re able to view not only from your own eyes, but all others. It changes your framework of reality so you see a new reality based upon the positive programming you code into existence.
And all it takes is just knowing that something good will come of this.
The rest is automatic.