Daily Download

Thought is basically a channel of information flowing. Your identity is a thought. As with your channeled messages.

And everybody experiences thought individually, so wouldn’t it make sense that how you get messages is custom-tailored to how you receive information?

It is!

Everybody gets messages in only the best ways for your understanding at the time.

Your thought can be a channel for the divine. It can be open to messages from angels, archangels, and ascended masters. You can literally channel any level of consciousness because every level exists within your consciousness. There is no separation.

Some some may believe in the false illusion of separation. Not everyone might believe in angel messages, and some may have moral objections and fear. They are beings of pure, unconditional love after all, and that’s a difficult concept for many to understand let alone experience.

That’s why messages still come through in the ways best for peoples’ understanding. Angel and divine messages come through others around you when you least expect it. A stranger. Even someone you know. Listen to their words, see their actions, and feel the love.

We all channel the divine in one way or another.

With eyes wide open, you can see this everywhere around you.
