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Blunt Force Truth: True justice isn’t served by punishing the wrongdoers. That’s called revenge. Wishing harm upon others for some sort of gain–self satisfaction, feeling safe and protected from one’s fears, or just closure.

The higher order of Justice includes gain for all and transcends fear-based thinking. Because justice isn’t quite justice without the people learning by example and rising up above old ways of being that might have once been the accepted norm, isn’t it?

Justice isn’t just putting those who commit hate crimes in jail. It’s the entire society rising up to say enough is enough, we’ve had it, and this is not ok. Justice is served by us not turning a blind eye to racism, sexism, or any other hate ism. That shit is not ok.

And that installs new levels of societal programming based on positive empowering values in the place of old values that fall away like dominoes.

So YES you can speak up, and your voice has power! ‘Not on my watch’ is a powerful metaprogram you can install simply by being even more aware to hateful behaviors witnessed and speaking up about it. Do that.
