The scariest parts of us can become our greatest lessons. But you’ll never know that if you keep fighting them. Yes they hurt and also yes, they are coming to show you something. And even if you try to brush it under the spiritual carpet, move away from it, and even cut people out because of it, it keeps coming back because all of those things still keep what you’re resisting in focus.
That’s why lessons come back in similar forms through different people.
That’s why you see patterns.
When you begin to observe the patterns behind the patterns, you defocus the picture of what’s going on here at the surface. In doing so you are not ignoring the pain in any way.
You’re giving the parts of you that hurt a chance to be heard.
Then even the scariest demons lose their power over you. They revert back to an earlier state of the lesson they bring. Far back on the timeline where it all began. And for every hurt or trauma you experienced there is a root cause for the associated emotions and states in your timeline. Now instead of having personal demons you can go back to that inner child where it all started…
Just go sit now with your inner child. S/he has something to tell you that’s been waiting for a long time… And s/he will at the exact moment your subconscious knows you’re ready.
Aaaaand here’s the secret to being ready:
You are integrating new wisdom from your consciousness all the way down past the cellular level, so doesn’t it just make sense that you give a full-mind-and-body yes?
Your inner child is you, after all. You are one. Say yes to your healing.