How to dissect a limiting belief… Do you often repeat a phrase or hear someone repeat it enough that you start saying the same thing? Because your subconscious codes it as truth if you keep repeating it. Whether it’s true or not.

And it’ll get worse before it gets better.

How many just nodded their head? That’s one of em! And what that’s doing is telling the subconscious mind to focus on things getting worse. The subconscious is neutral. It just does as you ask. So it shows you more of what you consider to be worse.

Until you flip a conscious switch to be aware of what you are coding in your mind.

Now in that light, what if you take away the judgment? It’s not that it’s getting worse–it’s that what you focus on is becoming more apparent.

Things are coming up to the surface, many uncomfortable. But what you can do with awareness is witness it rather than being in it. Because it’s coming up to show you something. That’s guaranteed. What’s not is guaranteed is if you’ll get it.

Because being in it and judging what’s coming up is a sure fire way to not get the complete message.

So you can step out of that picture. Change your frame of reference. Imagine seeing yourself as if you’re just a neutral observer. How do you see yourself now? Notice the subtle distinctions in how you appear when you’re in it. Then tell me what’s different when you just witness.

Now the limiting belief transforms. Its empowering belief becomes, things are becoming more apparent for you to be getting the message.

That message is what came up to heal. You witnessing sent the signal that you’re ready to heal. The rest was automatic.

Just breathe… You got this!
