Here’s where the climate alarmists got it wrong: We are not destroying the planet. We are simply making it unlivable for us to survive in the long-term.
Beneath the problem of climate alarmists and climate deniers, even though we observe them as polar opposites, is one underlying factor:
The one side blasts the ‘others’ for not understanding something that was in fact, very poorly communicated.
It’s not people’s fault for not understanding something. Even Einstein said that if you can’t communicate something in simple terms, you don’t understand it well enough. And we have 8 billion people who don’t understand it well enough.
What’s the solution?
Same as the problem:
Communication is simply how you transfer knowledge to someone else’s brain. Nature’s wifi. When the understanding isn’t best, it’s obvious that communication won’t be, isn’t it? So the alarmists all pool together over their common understanding while the deniers pool together over their common understanding–each side attempting to understand it better for themselves.
Alarmists and deniers both contribute to miscommunication through lack of understanding and lack of rapport. Here’s what both sides are invited to know:
Planet Earth will be just fine without us. We’re not destroying the planet. We are changing her natural cycles in ways that are detrimental to our own well-being.
And taking small steps to improve our human habitat–the little niche we’ve carved out to live in–improves human health regardless of its overall planetary impact.
We all breathe the same air.
Even every body of water on Earth is connected. The same water that’s in all of us.
By polluting less, we improve our quality of life and our chances for long-term survival. Every step we take towards this common goal still has risks. But the risk of not changing is far greater to us. And that’s something we can all agree on.
Communication is what bridges the gap and gives both ‘sides’ the knowledge that speaks directly into each person’s understanding. Into each person’s map of reality. The frame of reference with which they define their world–and create their world. And right now we are all being gifted the chance to co-create something entirely new.
Do that.