For every door that you open for love, know this: That door will never close. That’s just the nature of universal love.

You might change over time, as well as others. You may drift apart. But that love will remain.

Everybody that came together for love had the intention in the beginning to love, and that opened a door. When you change and go your own ways, sometimes people become hateful and spiteful because they’re not getting what they want. But that want wasn’t focused on love, it was focused on some sort of gain. When the gain stopped, the emotions turned lower vibrational due to the attachments present.

When you release the attachments, you heal the parts of yourself that tried to gain something through another.

And when you heal yourself, you see that only you are the one who can provide that which it is you wish to gain from another.

When you love yourself wholly and completely, you not only heal yourself and release attachments, you effortlessly see beyond the emotional charges in situations to the love underlying it all.

You see open doors everywhere in the universe.
