Universal Irony Division: A hater is just a lover who’s afraid to love.
Their fear keeps them from moving forward and when left unchecked, turns to anger toward people who do what they love. Just like Yoda said, fear leads to anger, which leads to hate.
So don’t hate the haters because that’s giving in to your own dark side. Besides, maybe they’re just doing what they love, which to them is hating. Everyone learns to love in only the ways that are best for them.
So shine some love and compassion onto them instead. The higher vibrations come from an infinite source, after all. Don’t judge, but accept them as they are and allow them to sit with their hurt inner child just as you would yours. S/he is just trying to tell you something, that which when when you get it, the emotional charge will begin to dissipate until it’s completely gone and only the positive learning remains.
So you see, instead of judging, there’s ways to gather the positive lessons. Instead of hating, add even more compassion from your heart to those around you. Instead of fear, be love. Simply that. Just be.
Thank you, it is done. It is done. It is done.