If you feel like life’s lessons beat you up sometimes, consider this: Old souls on a bigger mission ain’t got time to make the same mistakes over again. Even if the first time in your life, it ain’t the first time in your parallel lives. And you’re all in this together! That’s just meant to keep you on track.

Young souls are the ones who can get away with shit. They go around like they’re playing pinball with the wheels of karma, without awareness of what they do or repercussion.

So if you’re questioning why life is hard on you and not others, it’s not about them. It’s about you staying on track.

Because you already leveled up to where you are now. You don’t just waltz into high levels and think shit ain’t gonna be happening.

Shit happening is just a sign that you leveled up.

And you ain’t leveling back down. It just don’t work that way. You gotta get the fuck up and get shit done, no matter what life throws at you, because it’s all reflection for your growth.
