Stop expecting things to be better if you’re not fully in the gratitude of now.

Because all that’s doing is looping your karma into another cycle. You either get the lessons or you get the lessons. Your choice.

So don’t focus on everything that went wrong with last year, because that focus in your mind is telling the universe what you want to see more of. Every complaint becomes a command. More of that. Every regret becomes a repeat. Keep giving more.

Every lower vibrational frequency you emit is going to be returned to you. RTA

If you haven’t yet appreciated now fully here in this moment, then consider this:

Now is when you break free of old karmic cycles.

Everything happens in the now.

Right now all it takes is one decision. One decision that starts a domino effect of your blocks and limitations falling down, one-by-one. And that decision is simply to be in this moment, fully present in gratitude for the lessons you’ve endured.

Now is the time to release emotional charge, attachments, and expectations and just be here in gratitude for having been given the chances to do so.

Now isn’t it good to know this?
