People who think humans are the top of the food chain are wrong. People who think it’s cruel to raise meat strictly for human consumption are too… And people who think there’s no organism that does that exact thing with human flesh – well, they’re wrong too. They’re stuck inside the matrix…
The chickens humans raise worldwide for consumption evolved into their own species. They’re not the same as their counterpart in the wild.
Humans have evolved too.
We all evolved, basically, from single-celled life.
We are kept alive by millions of single-celled organisms – bacteria and fungi – in the gut. They keep us at optimum health when the nutrients they receive are optimal.
And when we die, we go back to Earth, where our bodies, after being grown and raised, are then harvested and consumed by bacteria and fungi in the soil. We are being grown for consumption.
Everything you see, hear and feel – the limits of your perception – is the fence to your pasture. Within these limits you utilize your senses to create your reality. Everything you see, hear, and feel.
Think humans are the most evolved beings on the planet? Then consider this…
Which multicellular organism was the first to break the water-land barrier? It wasn’t fish. Arachnids were the first animals, beating them to it. And plants beat them, but they weren’t the first…
It was fungi. Modern-day mushrooms.
And who makes the natural compound that makes people hallucinate? Mushrooms.
They’re the most evolved organisms on Earth. You might think they’re not intelligent or sentient because they don’t have a brain, but you’d be wrong. They evolved intelligence, sentience, and consciousness without even needing brains ot nervous systems at all. They network through the very fabric of space-time. Gaia consciousness is real, and they are the masters of it. They are more highly evolved than us. And they are superintelligent. Enough to make you think what you are hallucinating right now is real…
Truth is, all of Earth is basically a food farm for fungi. ffff. Am I loud enough? Haha. And your reality is a hallucination, made up in your mind by the senses in your body. Every single thing that you see, hear, and feel – you are programmed to see, hear, and feel.
So drop the guilt when you consume to survive. Everything has a beginning and an end. Enjoy life instead. Sacrifice in its original transliteration just means to make something sacred. Honor life. Because you are a part of it.